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1、 提高單一刑罰及加重刑罰之最高上限為二十年及三十年。











The policy of the Ministry of Justice, Taiwan with regard to abolition of the death penalty

A. Foreword

The death penalty, with its basis in the theory of retribution, uses state power to deprive convicted criminals of their right to live and separate them from society forever. Since capital punishment is cruel and goes against the notion that punishment should encompass education, abolition of the death penalty has gradually become a global trend. Many democratic and industrialized countries have completely or conditionally abolished the death penalty.

Whether to completely do away with the death penalty depends on the development of society, the maturity of concepts of law and order and popular consensus and support. In opinion polls in recent years, around 80% of respondents have consistently opposed abolition of the death penalty. Opposition falls to 40% however if complementary measures such as increases in upper sentencing limits and the threshold for parole for life imprisonment are included.

Evidently, with consideration of complementary measures and education, public support for retribution may be reoriented and a general consensus formed on gradual abolition of the death penalty.

The Ministry of Justice will employ extensive discussion and research to form a popular consensus for abolition, and only then propose the necessary amendments to existing laws to extend human rights protection while maintaining public security.

B. Measures taken and progress made by Taiwan’s government toward abolition of the death penalty

1. The Taiwan government signed the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as early as 1945. The government has sent these two covenants to the Legislative Yuan for review as a means to implement the human rights protection ideals contained within. If passed, they will be promulgated by the president and international human rights codes will be adopted as domestic laws. In addition, they will be deposited with the United Nations as a declaration of the Taiwan’s determination to protect human rights. These covenants proclaim the value of the right to life and strict limits on the death penalty. Insofar as we are signatories to the covenants, we are obliged to show our sincerity regarding gradual abolition of the death penalty so as to remove any doubts from the international community and to meet with the ideals of the covenants.

2. To achieve the goal of gradually abolishing the death penalty, the Ministry of Justice is planning to take step-by-step measures. The first step taken is to replace the mandatory death penalty, where it applies, with discretionary death penalty. The next step will be deliberation on raising upper sentencing terms limits and the parole threshold for life imprisonment, in hope that in future life imprisonment may replace the death penalty.

3. Progress of legal amendments:

a. The Ministry of Justice proposed abolition of the controversial Act for the Control and Punishment of Banditry that mandates the death sentence for several crimes, and at the same time drafted relevant amendments to the criminal code. After review by and passage through the Legislative Yuan, the act was formally abolished and the amendments promulgated on January 30, 2002. Capital or life imprisonment thereby replaced the mandatory death penalty for kidnap leading to murder.

b. The Ministry of Justice will consider abolishing mandatory capital sentencing for the remaining crimes in Criminal Codes to which it applies and replacing it with discretionary capital sentencing. The Ministry is currently drafting amendments to the Criminal Code on marine piracy which mandates death penalty in two instances. The draft shall be forwarded to the Executive Yuan for review by the end of December of 2002.

c. In addition, the following revisions to the General Provisions of the Criminal Code are being considered to complement replacement of the death penalty:

(1) Raising the upper sentencing term limit for a single sentence to 20 years and the to 30 years in aggravated cases.

(2) Adoption of the essence of the U.S. “Three strikes and you’re out” policy, imposing aggravated penalties on repeat offenders of crime sentenced five years and up. It stipulates that second-time offenders would have sentences increased by half and sentences of third-time offenders would be doubled.

(3) In conjunction with amendments raising maximum sentence term and instituting special sentencing for repeat offenders, increase of the parole threshold for life imprisonment to minimum 30 years and minimum 40 years for repeat offenders and increase of the period of parole for life prisoners from 15 years to 20 years.

(4) There is an international consensus, in conformity with pronouncements of the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Covenant on Children’s Rights on criminal behavior by those aged under 18, on the principle of not handing down death sentences or non-parolable life imprisonment to minors. This consensus meets the principle of balancing the crime and its punishment. As a result, abolition of the death penalty for those under the age of 18 convicted of the murder of direct lineal relatives is in order.

This draft proposal completed examination by the Executive Yuan and was forwarded to the Legislative Yuan for review in October of 2002.

C. Statistics on execution

In the past five years, the number of prisoners executed in Taiwan has shown a clear decline, a result of greater consideration of human rights protection as well as amendments to mandatory death penalty laws. Figures show 32 executions in 1998, 24 in 1999, 17 in 2000, 10 in 2001 and only six to the end of October 2002.

It is expected that by gradually implementing the policy described above, we can gradually realize the idea of abolishing the death penalty.

D. Conclusion

The Taiwan government has stated that human rights are the foundation of the nation and has conducted in-depth review of legislative policy on the death penalty. Nonetheless, concepts of retribution are still prevalent amongst the public. Education on human rights and legal governance must be advanced. Consequently, it may not currently be possible to do away entirely with the death penalty. The government is implementing interim measures to replace mandatory capital sentencing with discretionary capital sentencing so as to achieve the policy goal to minimize the scope of capital punishment. At the same time, the government is implementing alternative complementary measures so that the death penalty may be phased out in stages.
