Taiwan Collaborates with EU Countries to Successfully Complete Cross-Border Evidence Collection
2024/12/27 |
National Security, Cyber Security, and Mutual Legal Assistance - 2024 Mutual Legal Assistance International Conference and its Related Activities Successfully Concluded
2024/07/10 |
The Ministry of Justice and 15 other ministries have joined the Global CAPE to facilitate cross-border cooperation in the enforcement of Data Protection and Privacy Laws with international partners
2024/05/10 |
Nation seeing surge in cannabis smuggling: MOJ
2024/03/29 |
2023 International Seminar on Combating Cross-Border Fraud: From Improving International Cooperation, Global Force to Break International Fraud
2023/11/15 |
Historic Breakthrough in judicial cooperation between Switzerland and Taiwan of recovering NT$4.3 billion related to the “Lafayette Frigates Scandal”
2023/07/19 |
Never Stop Expanding Criminal Cooperation with Allies Taiwan and Tuvalu Signed Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
2023/06/07 |
Striking Success on Judicial Cooperation Taiwan and Germany signed Mutual Legal Assistance Arrangement in Criminal Matters
2023/03/23 |
Taiwan keeps No. 25 ranking in corruption index
2023/02/16 |
Inmate arrested after failing to return from temporary leave
2023/02/16 |
Taiwan and Thailand cooperation on Taoyuan Homicide Case
2022/09/27 |
Taiwan-Switzerland Cooperation Milestone First Transfer of a Sentenced Person Successfully Completed
2022/09/16 |
True Friends come afar; Consolidate Friendship between Taiwan and Palau. Minister Tsai Ching-Hsiang and Vice President and Minister J. Uduch Sengebau Senior Signed Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and MOU on Forensic Pathologists Cooperation.
2022/08/30 |
International Judicial Cooperation, Navigates to Caribbean Region! Witnessed by President Tsai, Minister Tsai of Taiwan MOJ, as well as Prime Minister and Minister Gonsalves of Legal Affairs of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Have Signed Two Treaties on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and Transfer of Sentenced Persons!
2022/08/08 |
Minister Tsai meets Dr. Jörg Polster, Director General of the German Institute Taipei, in hope of strengthening the criminal judicial cooperation between Taiwan and Germany
2022/05/26 |
Review Meeting of the ROC’s Third Report under the ICCPR and ICESCR Comes to an End The International Review Committee affirms Taiwan’s performance and offers 92 concluding observations and suggestions
2022/05/14 |
Minister Tsai meets Mr. CHUNG BYUNG-WON, Representative of the Korean Mission in Taipei, in hope of deepening mutual legal cooperation between Taiwan and Korea
2022/05/12 |
Hsing Tai-chao assumes prosecutor-general post
2022/05/11 |
Su welcomes experts to review of UN covenants
2022/05/11 |
Review Meeting of the ROC’s Third Report under the ICCPR and ICESCR. International human rights experts visit Taiwan for local review
2022/05/10 |