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Future Directions

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Policy Objectives and Priorities of Ministry of Justice in 2023

Ministry of Justice is Taiwan’s competent authority for judicial affairs including prosecutorial administration, protection of crime victims, correction, integrity policy, administrative enforcement, legal consultation, legal affairs of the Executive Yuan, and training of judiciary. The affiliated agencies are divided into five systems: prosecution, investigation, integrity policy, correction, and administrative enforcement, and each performs duties in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

In order to maintain equity and justice, the Ministry will continue to implement judicial reforms, strengthen anti-drug strategies, promote correction system, implement judicial protection, expand mutual legal assistance, establish an incorruptible government, enhance human rights protection, improve and modernize the judicial system and improve administrative implementation. Additionally, the policy plan also focuses on the implementation of the judicial reform resolutions, advocate drug control and boost administrative effectiveness with innovative technology, so that people can live and work in bliss and future generations can be happy and healthy.

According to the 2023 guidelins and budget quota of Executive Yuan and the current social status , Ministry of Justice enacts 2023 administrative plan as follows:

1. Driving judicial reforms, enhancing prosecutorial effectiveness with artificial intelligence and strengthening criminal justice.

  • Continued implementation of policies related to judicial reforms; promotion of the legal institutionalization of administrative conclusions; design of the citizen committee system for the inquest of prosecution as a channel for the public to exercise supervision; implementation of temporary placements and the new system for custodian protection; reinforcement of the social security net; establishment of National Academy of Forensic Science (NAFS); formulation of standard operating procedures and enhancement of truth-seeking capability with forensic science; enhancement in qualifications of legal professionals and legislation of employment clauses for development of judicial talent pipeline and a robust mechanism for career starts.
  • Establishment of a standardized system for evidence safekeeping and management with blockchain technology; identity identification system based on radio frequency; enhancement of relevant legal regulations to protect the human rights of victims and litigation participants; deployment of a cutting-edge database and digitalization of epidemiology information; development of forensic science resources; use of molecular pathology to solve difficult cases; improvement of DNA testing quality; achievement of the Ministry of Justice’s administrative goals by using technology to enhance forensic capabilities and strengthen protection of human rights.
  • Driving of the transformation for smart legal services; construction of an innovative service environment with digital technology for case investigations; betterment of the information security and protection system; and optimization of effectiveness in legal administration. The AI assistants for prosecutors continue with good results in public prosecution case reviews. The test run will be expanded to other case types for output optimization of closed cases, increase in the types of written proceedings and rolling out to other prosecutorial agencies. This is to complete the linkage of digital scrolls of evidence between police authorities and prosecutors’ offices, to enhance the efficiency of prosecutors in case reviews and preparation for debates and arguments. The purpose is to enhance court activities and levels of sophistication in public prosecution.
  • Expansion (relocation) and internal revamps of subordinate agencies and offices and planning for facilities procurement to enhance the overall effectiveness of legal administration.

2. Implementation of human rights and transitional justice, execution of the National Human Rights Action Plan and robustness of civil codes and administrative law systems.

  • Implementation and management of the Concluding Observations and Recommendations outlined in the international review of the Third National Report on the Two Covenants. Execution of Taiwan’s first National Human Rights Action Plans. Continued assessment of laws in relation to the two Covenants, to connect with the international norms in human rights.
  • Deepening of human rights education, increasing of awareness in human rights, more dialogues with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international interactions regarding human rights to share and exchange experience in human rights protection. 
  • Continued efforts in transitional justice to redress judicial and administrative wrongs.
  • Supplying of regulatory consultation opinions to different government agencies, organization of legal advocacy campaigns to strengthen the civil code and administrative law systems.

3. Enhancement of drug control strategies and confiscation of illegal gains to stabilize the social order.

  • Implementation of Phase II of the New Generation Strategy and Action Plan Against Drugs by reducing drug supplies, demand and hazards and cutting off the flow of drugs, trafficking and money. The plan to prevent drug abuse is put in place, to reduce the number of new and repeated drug users. An integrated approach is adopted to place and protect inmates and planning for return to the society. A friendly environment for acceptance and a protection network for children and teenagers are established. Six forces (i.e., prosecutors, police, judicial investigators, military police, coast guards and the customs) collaborate to crack down on drug supplies. It is hoped that strict investigation, heavy penalties, rehabilitation and assistance in return to the society can prevent the repeat of drug abuse and avoid hazards of substances. The anti-drug efforts on multiple fronts aim to ensure safety and reduce crime rates. Modern and internationally accredited laboratories are built with enhanced forensic equipment, inspection technology and competences, to mitigate the harm caused by new psychoactive substances(NPS).
  • Confiscation of illegal proceeds; prevention of disruption to national soil conservation; crackdown on mafia organizations; telecoms frauds and crimes in finance, food safety and green energy. The purpose is to stabilize the social order.

4. Robustness of the anti-money laundering system, promotion of international and cross-strait judicial cooperation; and assurance of safety and protection.

  • Implementation of anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) policies; tracing of criminal proceeds and prevention of criminals from escaping; enhanced awareness in anti-money laundering among government agencies and private organizations; staying on top of changes and trends in international AML/CTF regulations; strengthening of the domestic AML mechanism; signing of international memorandums of cooperation in AML/CTF. All these measures aim to gradually localize and effectively regulate the frequently seen money laundering patterns in Taiwan, so that greater efficacy of law enforcement will make the financial environment more transparent, stable, and healthy.
  • Continued efforts in the signing of mutual legal assistance treaties; expansion of international and cross-strait judicial cooperation in criminal and civil matters, construction of a variety of joint-effort networks; integration of judicial forces; establishment of international and cross-strait cooperation to combat crimes; and reinforcement of the mutual legal assistance system by analyzing cases involving other countries.
  • Investigation of institutions and individuals involved in collecting confidential intelligence of our nation, and in developing intelligence organizations aiming to endanger national security; prevention from the trade secrets theft in high-technology industries and from illegal talent poaching by Chinese companies to maintain Taiwan’s competitive advantage in technology sectors; construction of a tighter security network to enhance national security and cybersecurity investigation capabilities; preemptive measures and uncover of offshore hostile forces or other non-conventional threats. All these measures aim to maintain social stability.

5. Creation of appropriate spaces for corrections, with artificial intelligence to assist prison management. Enhancement of the work environment and the morale.

  • Establishment of adaptive and reasonable treatment spaces: continued addition, expansion and relocation of correction agencies to provide a reasonable environment for inmates and alleviate the crowdedness of the facilities; continued improvement of inmate care with better water quality and treatment. All these measures aim to protect the human rights of inmates and enhance Taiwan’s image in prison management.
  • Digitalization of inmate accounts and shopping activities: A project to develop digital accounts for inmates and the supply service system is underway, to ensure ease-of-use for inmates and the public. The digitalization of inmate accounts and shopping at co-ops in conjunction with smart identity identification of inmates and a supply service system can enhance autonomous management of inmates, who will be able to inquire account balances and shopping details. This speeds up delivery by co-ops, enables convenient shopping for family members, simplifies the custodian of inward remittances and reduces the paper-based administration.
  • Enhancement of the duty system and betterment of the work environment: In alignment with Interpretation No. 785 by Judicial Yuan, amendments to the Government Servant Service Law and the Civil Service Protection Act and relevant authorization regulations, the duty system at correction agencies is being improved. Correction agencies are encouraged to review and connect with various resources, in order to create a warmhearted and healthy work environment supported with a wide range of measures.

6. Community treatment measures, better rehabilitation protection and victim protection, crime prevention and law advocacy.

  • Development of professional teams, expansion of resource networks and connectivity to rehabilitation protection and authorities governing health, labor, social and police systems, to promote a network of various community corrections.
  • Implementation of initiatives and measures to prevent juvenile delinquency, with a three-tier prevention mechanism; cooperating with non-government organizations (NGOs) and combining social resources to deliver education of the rule of law.
  • Strengthening of the protection system for rights of victims in Taiwan, in line with the progress of amendments to the Crime Victim Protection Act and by improving the protection service quality, empathy and assistance.
  • Use of human resources in case management to enhance the capability of rehabilitation and protection services. Early support and jail guidance, an integrated approach to protection by combining administrative resources throughout social and health networks.

7. Adherence to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), continued advocacy of the legal system to protect whistleblowers and improvement of Government Procurement Integrity Platform.

  • Continued implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) to align with the international trend in government ethics, to enhance the integrity and effectiveness of government governance; implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and the concluding of the Second Review under the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).
  • Development of technology systems to assist in investigation, creation of relevant databases and establishment of a smart anti-corruption mechanism to enhance the effectiveness of interrogations.
  • Dispatching of prosecutors by the Ministry of Justice to integrate commands and investigations and work on cases in advance, to enhance the efficiency and quality of investigations. Enforcement of anti-corruption measures to boost the conviction rate. Organization of anti-corruption workshops to improve investigation activities. Strengthening of horizontal communication regarding corruption cases. Encouragement of reporting and advocacy of the whistleblower protection system for a robust legal system against corruption.
  • Reinforcement of anti-corruption mechanisms within government agencies and private sectors; implementation of Government Procurement Integrity Platform; advocacy of ethics and integrity in both public and private organizations; enforcement of the Sunshine Act and consensus in zero tolerance of corruption.
  • Execute special project investigations on high corruption risks in the government affairs to uncover corruption and unscrupulous activities. Enhancement of security measures for confidentiality of government agencies, to safeguard national secrets and prevent hazards and destruction.

8. Proactive collection of payments from those with significant overdue amounts; robust procedures to care for the vulnerable and enhancement of service quality and administrative effectiveness.

  • Proactive collection of payments from those with significant overdue amounts by implementing a wide range of special projects. Enhanced communication across government agencies to impose restrictions on non-payers with large overdue amounts or obligators deliberately not to pay from leaving the country and apply to courts for warrants to arrest, custody or restraining orders. All these measures aim to urge obligators to honor obligation of payments under the public law and ensure law enforcement fairness and social justice.
  • Care for the vulnerable with comprehensive procedures: visits of the disadvantaged obligators and referral services, to mitigate enforcement measures and to assist the handling of payment obligations under the public law. Enhancement of training and education of law enforcement personnel and betterment of the process to meet with the principle of proportionality and justice in procedures.
  • A wider range of payment options and use of technology to improve processing procedures: encouragement of easy-to-use payments with virtual accounts, credit cards and mobile payments. Step-up in digitalization of documents and applicability of paper-less administration, development and deployment of data exchange platforms and simplification of operational procedures for better implementation efficiency.
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