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No. Title Post Date
7301 (Issue date: 2012/12/18)Levied Amounts of Administrative Enforcement Cases(monthly file) 2018/02/06
7302 (Issue date: 2012/12/18)New cases taken in 2001-2012(monthly file) 2018/02/06
7303 Visiting activity will be held on January 7,2013. 2018/02/06
7304 News release on conclusion of investigations in the case of suspected corruption by Lin Yi-shi, former Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan (2012/10/29) 2018/02/06
7305 News release on Special Investigation Division applying for custodianship of prosecutor Chen O-zhen of High Prosecutors Office for suspected acceptance of bribes (Project Zheng-ji) (2012/11/12) 2018/02/06
7306 Activity highlights in November,2012. 2018/02/06
7307 (Issue date: 2012/11/16)Levied Amounts of Administrative Enforcement Cases(monthly file) 2018/02/06
7308 (Issue date: 2012/11/16)New cases taken in 2001-2012(monthly file) 2018/02/06
7309 (Issue date: 2012/11/16)Cases closed in 2001-2012(monthly file) 2018/02/06
7310 2012-10-26 "The Caring Community” Visited On October 26th, 2012 2018/02/06
7311 2012-10-24"The Voice You Raise, the Progress We Make:The Second Meeting on Judicial Reform was held on Oct. 24, 2012" 2018/02/06
7312 King US throat, "student singing competition 2018/02/06
7313 Visiting activity will be held on December 10,2012. 2018/02/06
7314 Activity highlights in October 2012. 2018/02/06
7315 October 25, 101 annual Games 2018/02/06
7316 Activity highlights in September,2012. 2018/02/06
7317 Visiting activity will be held on November 5,2012. 2018/02/06
7318 Moon reunion, Trinidad Department of affection "Autumn Festival Worldhakkas activities 2018/02/06
7319 "Familiar with CPR, to rescue golden period" health education seminars 2018/02/06
7320 News release regarding conclusion of investigations on alleged unjust enrichment and other illegalities by incumbent Navy Commander Dong Xiang-long, during his term as CLC commanding officer. (2012/9/13) 2018/02/06
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