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No. Title Post Date
7501 “The Divisional Investigation Center for Anti-Bribery Election” is Established by Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office. 2018/02/06
7502 Prosecutor Junfu Lin Led Investigators to Hunt Down an Amphetamines Manufactory in Kaohsiung 2018/02/06
7503 (Issue date: 2008/05/27)The Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice, held activities to promote convenience stores commissioned for fee collections with an exhibition of the enforcement for a NT$150 billion breakthrough 2018/02/06
7504 (Issue date: 2008/05/26)Please pay attention to the new fraud application and avoid being cheated 2018/02/06
7505 A Theft Group was Hunt Down by the Prosecutor and Kaohsiung City Government Police Bureau 2018/02/06
7506 (Issue date: 2008/03/12)Press Release of Seminar for 2008 by Directors of Administrative Enforcement Agency Branches under the Ministry of Justice 2018/02/06
7507 (Issue date: 2008/01/18)Administrative Enforcement Breakthrough Efficiency, NT Collection of 140 Billion Dollars for the Treasury 2018/02/06
7508 (Issue date:2007/11/07)Be careful of new tricks from fraudulent organizations 2018/02/06
7509 Anti-Fraud Guidance 2018/02/06
7510 Today, Mr. Chen Tsung-ming assumed the office of the Prosecutor General of the SPO, said he would select prosecutors of excellent conduct, outstanding performance, rich experience and high resistance to form the SIT within 2 months in order to effectively to fight severe corruption, election bribery, economic crimes (white collar crime) and cases endangering social order. 2018/02/06
7511 Prosecutors of the SIT, SPO, completed on 20/09, 2007 the investigation of the alleged corruption and document forgery cases from the special allowance of VP Lu, DPP Chairperson Yu, Mr. Hsieh, Mr. Su and SG Chen who are either charged or released by law. Moreover, Employees of the OOP, EY and MFA involving in alleged document forgery have either been charged or granted suspended prosecution. 2018/02/06
7512 Special Investigation Division (SID) to be unveiled on April 2, at 11:10 Am, to start operation 2018/02/06
7513 Supreme Prosecutors Office holds the National Prosecutor Office, Police and Investigation Bureau Government Ethics Officers Seminar on Election Bribery Investigation to declare the authorities’ determination to stop bribery in the 7th legislator election and the 12th presidential election by mobilizing the prosecutor office, police and investigation bureau 2018/02/06
7514 Coverage on the following incidents is untrue to the facts, including “Prosecutor Wu Wen-chung begs LY Minister Wang chin-ping to lobby for his prosecutor post in the Special Investigation Unit for Black Money”, “[Prosecutor Wu] instigates Wu Meng-te to supply information unfavorable against Shieh Chang-ting”, and “Prosecutor Wu discloses the investigation actions of this case to KMT executives”. 2018/02/06
7515 (Issue date:2007/09/14)Breakthrough efficiency of administrative enforcement, collecting NT 130 billion dollars for the treasury 2018/02/06
7516 Polices and Plannings 2018/02/06
7517 The main affairs 2018/02/06
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