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No. Title Post Date
7521 News release regarding SPO’s explanations in response to Legislative Yuan members and media’s call for “SID to intervene in the investigations for the Hong Zhong-qiu Case, in line with the precedent set by the Jiang Guo-qing Case” (2013/7/17) 2018/02/06
7522 The unit organized in 2013 2nd detoxified Family Day activities 2018/02/06
7523 Global Reading Reading Education Foundation-hand homes forum 2018/02/06
7524 On July 19, 2013, Director-General Chu of the Agency Against Corruption received a visit from Mr. Luis de Sousa (The President of Transparêcia e Integridade, Associação Cívica) and Ph. D. Ernie Ko (Vice Executive Director of the Transparency International, Chinese Taipei) to discuss anti-corruption issues. 2018/02/06
7525 "Common gynecological diseases and self-care" health education seminars 2018/02/06
7526 "AIDS Prevention and Patient Rights Protection" health education seminars 2018/02/06
7527 Common emergency treatment and CPR training courses 2018/02/06
7528 Visiting activity will be held on August 19,2013. 2018/02/06
7529 Activity highlights in June,2013. 2018/02/06
7530 Student Talent - diabolo begin teaching classes 2018/02/06
7531 News release on SPO’s comments regarding appeal in the Lin Yi-shi case. (2013/5/21) 2018/02/06
7532 SPO news release regarding conclusion of investigations in the matters of alleged violations of the Securities Exchange Act by former General Manager of CSC, Chen ○-jung, and 5 others, and former Kaohsiung County Councilor Tsai Chang-ta and another suspected of attempted blackmail. (2013/6/10) 2018/02/06
7533 SPO news release regarding conclusion of investigations in the matter of corruption allegations against the Kaohsiung City Government in the “Kaohsiung City Nanzi Sewerage BOT – Government Planned Project”. (2013/6/10) 2018/02/06
7534 June 2013 recreational activities "basketball game" activity 2018/02/06
7535 Xing Yi Foundation for Character Education Seminar - How to change the fate of 2018/02/06
7536 Zonglin Master "lifestyle guru" Life Education Seminar 2018/02/06
7537 "Drug safety Drug Caution" health education lecture 2018/02/06
7538 Visiting activity will be held on July 17,2013. 2018/02/06
7539 On June 17, 2013, Director-General Chu of the Agency Against Corruption received a visit from Prof. Sanguan Lewmanomont (the former senator of Thailand and leader scholar of law) and the guest from the Senate of Thailand to discuss anti-corruption issues. 2018/02/06
7540 Activity highlights in May,2013. 2018/02/06
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