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The 1st round cross-strait negotiation of the cross-border telecom fraud cases

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This morning (Aug. 21st), according to our request and Chinese regulations, the Director General of Department of International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Chen Wen-chi, with a group of 10 people visited Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Haidian district detection center. They saw the living condition of all Taiwanese suspects of the Kenya case, realized their physical condition and life adaption were fine. There were two suspects already appointed lawyer. Mainland side then explained in detail the investigation situation of the Kenya case to the delegation, and provided related information to the delegation to bring back for the prosecution services reference. In The afternoon, the delegation had a consultation meeting with the Ministry of Public Security of China, and the following agreements were reached: 1. The Cross-Strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance agreement has become effective and has been implemented for 7 years. The achivements are remarkable and beneficial for people across strait. The outcomes are worth cherished and the implementation should be continued. 2. Regarding the Kenya case and the Malaysia case, both sides agree to cooperate in investigation. 3. Mainland China agreed the family dependents visit to Taiwanese suspects and would arrange according to regulations. 4. For future cross-border crime, both sides agreed to establish principles, to facilitate fight against crime, victim protection and achievement of social justice. As to whether Taiwanese suspects will be repatriated to Taiwan and other matters and related details will be further discussed on another day. The delegation will follow the scheduled itinerary, fly back to Taiwan in tomorrow afternoon (Aug. 22nd). Minister of Justice Luo instructed Chief Prosecutor of Taiwan High Prosecutors Office to elaborate on establishing cross-border telecommunications fraud stolen property (goods) tracking platform, combining prosecutor, police, investigation (money laundry prevention etc.), Financial Supervisory Commission, NCC and other relevant agencies, and propose concrete and effective direction and action, to actively track stolen property.

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