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Taiwan-US mutual legal assistance: Taipei District Prosecutors Office seized more than US$ 15 million illegal income of drug trafficking in an Taiwan Bank account on behalf of the US

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When the US Department of Homeland Security in Los Angeles investigated the Latin American drug cartels in November of 2011, it found that a Taiwanese woman Y OO was laundering money from drug trafficking income (USD) under the cover of importing, exporting and selling garments in the United States. In addition to depositing part of the money in an account in the United States, more than US$ 27 million of such money was remitted into our domestic banks. In response, the American Institute in Taiwan and the US Department of Homeland Security continued to closely conduct intelligence exchange with the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and Anti-money Laundering Division of the Investigation Bureau. Upon the case was mature, the US Department of Justice in early September this year, pursuant to Taiwan-US Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement, requested MOJ to assist in seizing the account of Ms. Y OO involved in money laundering. Upon receipt of the mutual legal assistance request from the United States, MOJ subsequently instructed Taipei Distrcit Prosecutors Office to take charge. The enforcement was performed today (11th) and, except for the money which has been already transferred out, successfully seized more than US$15 million illegal money laundered by the drug cartels in Taiwan accounts. The implementation of this case fully demonstrates the determination of Taiwan-US to jointly fight crimes. MOJ will continue to maintain contact with the US Department of Justice to trace the cases so as to facilitate the follow-up assistance and to achieve justice together.

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