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Ministry of Justice News Release

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Regarding Guang Da Xing No.28 Incident, Ministry of Justice has requested Taiwan High Prosecutors Office and Fujian High Prosecutors Office, Kinmen Branch to notify subordinated district prosecutors offices to guard the Philippine people under jurisdiction from illegal infringement and disturbance. If it involves in criminal crimes, please proceed prosecution by laws and take on the following measures: A. The police should check thoroughly places where the Philippine people under jurisdiction often gather around, such as factories and stores, patrol the streets intensively and advocate treating the Philippine people rationally to the employers to avoid conflicts. B. Take advantage of opportunities to promote the idea to the people that scattering the insulting speeches on the Internet is a criminal act. In the meantime, coordinate the police manpower within jurisdiction to strengthen surveillance of the Internet to avoid insulting speeches scattered on the Internet. C. Conduct active investigation of the case in which the Philippine people are illegally infringed or disturbed. Make sure to clarify the criminal intent, close the cases appropriately and issue press release to correct public understanding of facts when necessary.

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