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Minister Tsai meets Mr. CHUNG BYUNG-WON, Representative of the Korean Mission in Taipei, in hope of deepening mutual legal cooperation between Taiwan and Korea
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On the morning of February 23, Mr. CHUNG BYUNG-WON, Representative of the Korean Mission in Taipei, visited the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), along with Mr. HONG SUNG JUN, Section Chief of the Korean Mission and Mr. LEE IN HO, Researcher and Executive Secretary.
Minister Tsai Ching-hsiang received the distinguished guests in person, accompanied by the Deputy Director General Wang Nanjiun of the Department of International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs (DICLA), MOJ, and Prosecutor Wang Peiju; also from DICLA.
In the meeting, Minister Tsai highlighted the importance of enhancing the ongoing judicial cooperation between Taiwan and Korea. He expressed his hope that Mr. CHUNG would assist in promoting bilateral cooperation for mutual legal assistance, in light of protecting the rights of their nationals and with a focus on the spirit of humanitarianism.
Mr. CHUNG responded that the relationships and cooperation between Taiwan and Korea have rapidly developed with enthusiasm in recent years. He stated that Taiwan is the fifth largest trade partner with Korea, that interchange of cross-border tourists had amounted to 2.5 million visits before the outbreak of the global COVID pandemic, and that there are approximately 10,000 Korean nationals living in Taiwan at this moment. He underscored that the Korean government pays considerable attention to its nationals’ safety and security in Taiwan. He agreed to make his best effort to facilitate negotiations for the signing of mutual legal assistance agreements.
From left to right:
Mr. LEE IN HO, Mr. HONG SUNG JUN, Mr. Representative CHUNG BYUNG-WON, Minister Tsai Ching-hsiang, Deputy Director General Wang Nanjiun, Prosecutor Wang Peiju, Prosecutor’s Investigator Lee Mingchen.
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