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(Issue date: 2008/03/12)Press Release of Seminar for 2008 by Directors of Administrative Enforcement Agency Branches under the Ministry of Justice

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    On 6 March 2008, the Administrative Enforcement Agency has invited directors of all its branches to a 2008 seminar for the Directors of the Administrative Enforcement Agency Branches under the Ministry of Justice at Tienmu International Conference Center at No. 113, Zhongshan N Road, Taipei City. In addition to directors of branches and division chiefs of the Administrative Enforcement Agency, we are honored to have the presence of Minister of Justice Shih, Director Zhang Qinyun of the Department of Legal Affairs, Director Yang Hejin of the Department of General Affairs, Director Huang Zhengyi of the Personnel Agency, and Director Cheng Quanci of the Information Agency for instructions. The main focus of this seminar is innovation, efficiency and performance. Under the 3 major agendas, enhancement of administrative management, enhancement of horizontal coordination, cooperation among organizations and enhancement of efficiency, with 11 sub-agendas under Minister Shih, directors of each branch are required to submit ideas for innovation and breakthrough and ways for improvement in the hope that each branch can absorb new knowledge to improve performance after this seminar.


    At the seminar, Minister Shih first expressed approval and gratitude for staffer’s hardworking and effective leadership of branch directors for better performances than in the past due to termination and reduction of the number of cases in the first 3 months of 2007.


    Furthermore, Minister Shih also mentioned the four meanings of the seminar: 1. overall review of the operation—branch directors have to be inspected with the familiarity of the operation from time to time. They must have crisis management and risk management ability. 2. The operation has to be innovative in breakthrough. For example, due to the reduction of the incentive bonus and insufficient manpower, branch directors are required to think of ways to create a bigger pie with limited supplies and manpower by offering the concept of organic growth to create opportunities. 3. Change of ideas—to think over how to create efficiency and performance. 4. High position management—thinking over the problems from all angles at a high point.


    Later, he talked about the requirements of a leader. The first requirement is height. The mission of a leader is not merely doing things to guide a team of concentricity and morale. Instead, he or she has to stand in a high position to master all conditions. This is the high position management, who makes all staffers to be orderly and stable at work, so they can do their job well. Exerting the wild goose flying theory can make the organizations proceed forward. 2. Willingness to change—changes are the unchangable law of organizations. There are three common problems among organizations : 1) easily losing oneself, 2) tending to blame other people and 3) weakened goals.  According to management maestro Drucker, it is your performance goals, not the your supervisors or bosses, that drive you to progress.  During changes, one needs to create the existing value of the system. 3. Being able to master, or management ability. Directors must master all conditions and have exceptional management over those who have problems. There is no one that cannot be used, there are only supervisors that do not know how to utilize their inferiors. 4. Marketing—supervisors can only have a sense of achievement after they understand the importance of marketing and the system value is identified. A leader must be a coach at the same time. Inside an organization, marketing is communication to help staffers switch the thinking ability to move forward to create the winning situation for the organization, supervisors and staffers. 5. Doing the job well—that is self-growth all the time. The Peter Principle says that each person will be stuck at a position eventually and become a burden of the organization; the same also applies to organizations. Supervisors have to find ways to breakthrough when the ability is bottlenecked. Another thing is customer satisfaction, including outside customers and inside staffers.  The three-smile principle is proposed; a successful leader thinks in these dimensions and conquers all challenges in changes and no changes. Better performances are epxected in the future.

    The agenda is in accordance with the instructions by Minister Shih at the 1145th Confference of the Minister of Justice : 1) enhancement of administrative management including a. Improving organization culture to respond to change management, b. utilizing network management and making good use of various management resources, c. enhancing marketing and duly planting the concept of risk management, d. reduction and arrangement of cases to make ends met and e. how to make proper use of incentive bonuses. 2) enhancement of horizontal coordination, cooperation among organizations: a. among case transferable organizations and b. with relevant organizations (local autonomy organizations, courts and prosecution organizations). 3) enhancement of performance : a. enhancement of self-payment ratio, b. enhancement of auction performance, c. proper use of government authority in enforcement and d. enhancement of special case execution performance. In addition to written reports for sub-agendas, each branch director will submit oral reports on things regarding better performance or things that need to be improved so that they can master the policies, build consensus, break up bottlenecks and recreate outstanding performance. 


    Also, prior to the seminar, Director-general Hsu Hueiyou of the National Security Bureau gave a lecture on negotion skills, benefitting attendees including Director Zhang of the Department of Legal Affairs, Director-general Lin and Deputy Director-general Cai of the Administrative Enforcement Agency, supervisors of departments and divisions, branch directors and all administrative enforcers at the agency.
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